Advanced MP3 Players brings you a limited time voucher code, which can see you save 10% on all gadgets. They also bring you a selection of their top sellers, which would make an ideal gift.
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Code: mtydj7
Promotion: 10% Off All Gadgets
Expiry: 06-06-2012
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exo2 HeatMitt Heated Mittens With Thinsulate & FabRoc
The new HeatMitts from exo2 are designed to provide warmth and comfort for up to 6 hours on a single charge, thus enhancing the safety and enjoyment of your outdoor experience or improving blood circulation. FabRoc® panels over the back of each hand (self-regulating at approximately 46 degrees C) will keep fingers toasty and warm on even the coldest days & nights ahead . Thinsulate insulation will ensure that the heat generated by the FabRoc panels stays in, and the Hipora breathable and waterproof membrane (front & back) provides comfort in all weather conditions. Ideal for almost any outdoor activity!
RRP £99.00
Our Price £39.00
X-Mini II Capsule Speaker
Ever since the X-Mini Capsule Speaker appeared in 2008, we have been completely blown away by the absolutely astounding sound quality and volume that these little gems produce! The X-Mini Capsule Speaker regularly stops customers in their tracks at our retail store, people cannot believe that what they are hearing is eminating from these handy pocket sized units.
RRP £24.99
Our Price £17.95
Bliss Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser & Ioniser
Discover the benefits of the Bliss Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser.
The Bliss Aroma Diffuser is the ultimate home relaxation device. Designed to please your senses, enhance your mood and fragrance your living environments, the Bliss is a dream.
RRP £34.00
Our Price £29.99
Ultimate Desktop Audio System: FiiO E9 Desktop Amplifier + FiiO E7 DAC
Combining and selling these two fantastic products together seems obvious. If you are in the market for an improved audio performance from your computer, laptop or portable media player this combination is well worth a look.
RRP £122.94
Our Price £99.00
Top Sellers
Bag O' Crap - Lucky Dip Bag
The all new lucky dip' Bag O' Crap!' all bags will have at least one item which is of a higher value than the bag itself and the other treats will be stock Items we are looking to clear off our shelves to free up space for Elliot's growing family of little mini Lego people? Less said about that the better.
Our Price £5.00
a-JAYS One In Ear Noise Isolating Earphones
a-JAYS One comes loaded with a 8.6mm dynamic speaker engineered by JAYS. With Passive noise isolation and a perfect acoustic seal they are the perfect partner for on-the-go music enjoyment as it efficiently blocks out ambient noise. Grab your MP3 player, your a-JAYS headphones and head out, they compliment your MP3 player or phone perfectly.
RRP £17.25
Our Price £12.99
X-Mini II Capsule Speaker In Pink
While this X-Mini II Capsule speaker is the same as the Black, Red and White versions, we thought we would make this a 'X-Mini is Pretty In Pink Page'!
In 2008 we saw the arrival of the X-Mini Capsule Speaker, its sound beyond size abilities are were second to none, but then it happened...XMI had a new baby - The Xmini II!
RRP £24.99
Our Price £17.95
Sony ACNWUM50 Mains Charger for USB Devices, MP3 Players & Internet Tablets (works with non Sony devices)
Compatible with virtually all devices that are charged via USB such as MP3 Players, Internet Tablets, Digital Cameras - works with both Sony and other brands.
RRP £19.99
Our Price £8.95
Voucher Code
Code - clk3bf
Promotion - £30 Off SoundScience QSB Speakers
Expires - 29-06-2012
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